Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I honestly don't know where to begin with this first entry. Should I come out guns blazing and write about things as if I've been writing this blog for ages? Or should I start with an intro? *sigh* These are the thoughts that are permeating my brain. And so I shall just begin...


I came up with the title of this blog from a wonderful homily given by Fr. Iweh at my parish. He gave this homily last year on Divine Mercy Sunday, and yet a day doesn't go by when I don't think about it. If you can't guess it was on the topic of forgiveness. I cannot remember word for word his homily, as they do tend to go on and on (and that's not a bad thing). What I did take away from that homily was our call to forgive just as God forgives us, and if we cannot forgive others how can we hope to be forgiven. To forgive as if the wrong had never been committed. If you say you have forgiven someone and yet you are still holding a grudge, have you truly forgiven them? If you keep holding whatever the wrong was over their head when you have an argument, have you truly forgiven them?

This topic homily will resonated with me. Forgiveness is a very hard thing to do. Sure it's easy to say that you forgive someone, but hard to truly forgive them. I've always found that if I get angry with a friend or a loved one over some frivolous thing I tend to remember some other hurt they caused. Then I become even more upset and start holding that against them as well. This is a cycle that I am always trying to stop. I've had some success with this over the past year, but as with everything I'm a work in progress.

"If you forgive others their transgressions, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you do not forgive others, neither will your Father forgive your transgressions." --Matthew 6: 14-15.

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